Tuesday, June 8


Sketched this guy while in Jersey City two weeks ago. As usual, I love to wake up early and walk around a new city, soaking in the experience of the city's culture and people as I go. All the while, taking mental snap-shots that ultimately end up as sketches while sitting in some local café. This man, however, really caught my attention (along with anyone else in a two block radius) because he screamed constantly at perceived demons that were tormenting him at ever turn. He would walk quickly from street corner to corner, stopping only to warn those following him to "stay away and go home" with profanity that would make any sailor blush. His savage anger was startling... and very sad, too.

I could not leave this experience in my head (which would ultimately drive me insane, too); thus, it came out in this quick sketch. I was not concerned about catching a likeness as much as I wanted to portray his anger - I hope it worked.


Cody Gardner said...

This one is Amazing Mr. Combs

Paul Combs said...

Thanks, Cody.